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A comprehensive list of Clavé's circle of known friends, acquaintances, relations, and political and professional associates, in alphabetical order.

Enriqueta Clavé i Bosch

Barcelona, 1853 – Madrid, 1867 Family

Daughter of Josep Anselm Clavé

Little is known about her. She was 14 when she died in Madrid on November 23, 1867. He doctor was Teodoro Yánez i Font. Clavé was imprisoned in El Saladero when she dies.

Papers / view all

Clavé's Papers (1845—1870). A transcription of the composer's personal and professional collection of documents.

Correspondence / view all

Clavé received letters from politicians and intellectuals such as Víctor Balaguer, Pi i Maragall, Baltasar Saldoni, Pep Ventura, Abdó Terradas, Rius i Taulet, among others.

Notes / view all

This section offers an interpretation of Clavé's correspondence and archive, and compiles our scholarship on nineteenth-century Catalan popular music, politics, and social movements.